Hello friend and welcome to the world wide web home of the Ecumenical Oblates (Order) of Saint Benedict.
First, a little about our community. We are Ecumenical because we focus on what unites us – Christ. Benedictines predate the various schisms in the Church and so it is appropriate that, following a benedictine spirituality, we see ourselves as Christians first, Benedictines second, and then whatever particular denomination.
We refer to our community not strictly as an Order, although that is an appropriate definition, but as a group of Oblates. Orders suggest to people a group consisting of same-sex avowed religious living together as monks or nuns.
Our community, while embracing monastic celibacy, also consists of non-celibate brothers and sisters that make annual promises to live, within the limits of their station in life, according to the Rule of Saint Benedict. The result is that the majority of us (non-monastic) live in our own homes with our own families while following the same spiritual practices and knowing that there is a community of support.
Our members (Oblates) support the community by giving of their prayers, their work and their financial resources as appropriate.
While our site is still under construction we are working hard to get information about our community here. Please check back regularly for updates.
For more information contact us at moreinfo@orderofstbenedict.org